Shivasubramoniam, aged 76, used to play cricket for Karnataka in the Ranji trophy. Now, he’s weakened by a serious illness. His second son oversees the successful management of the company he established, ensuring that money is not a worry. However, his two sons and daughter live in the US, leaving him feeling alone. He believes they’re not doing enough for him, leading to sadness and questions about the purpose of his life. Shiva regrets sending his kids abroad, and his brothers add to his troubles by wanting to take over his company. They’re unhappy with their own businesses and pressure Shiva to hand over management to their sons (nephews). Legal battles with his brothers ensue, reminding Shiva that old age often brings challenges and loss. Each day becomes a reminder of Shiva’s loneliness, and he just wishes for a peaceful life, something that seems harder to find as family conflicts and court battles escalate.
Empty nest syndrome, Debilitating chronic condition, Dejection and loneliness, Family conflict involving siblings