What People Are Saying

Viswanathan Puthamadam Subramanian

My mother aged 88 years was having good health and was leading a normal life. Suddenly on 18/8/23, she suffered a stroke and her left side got paralyzed. She was admitted in a Hospital for treatment on the same day. She was treated there until 02/9/23 and recovery was gloomy. As it was advised for Physiotherapy, we started searching for a home taking care of such people. (She cannot move on her own. )

Then only, We could find this place which will cater to all our required needs and my mother will feel as if at home. The care charges per month is also very reasonable, the staff are well trained to handle such people and their bondage was excellent with the inmates. Medical care given is also appreciable. The dedicated service is assured. Thanks to Dr. Sowmya to organise such a Home away from home and fully taking care of the inmates. I am ever grateful to them. Thank you ALL for your good Service.

Geethanjali Monto

I landed up on Advantage's doorstep in October 2021 with a request "My mother has dementia and is a stroke patient. I am not in a position to keep her at home and her condition is deteriorating. I do not have the money to pay for her care nor do I have any siblings/relatives who can care for her. Can you please take care of her for a few months?"

I had had bad experiences in the previous two homes where my mother had stayed. I did not want to join my mother in the many senior citizens homes that I had visited near my home, where, given her condition, she may be made to lie down in one of the cots -- lost, not knowing what to do, with no one attending to her personally, with no one giving that personal touch to make her feel cared for. The other centres that could treat her condition were either expensive or far away or looked like intimidating hospitals.
I do not know what prompted me to ask this of Dr Soumya and Roshan Sir -- I was a complete stranger to them -- but I felt that I could ask and Dr Soumya would take care of my mother with affection and do the best for her.
My intuition was correct -- my mother has been staying at Advantage since October 2021, and she is being taken care of with a lot of affection. She stays in a very clean and hygienic home (in the literal sense of 'home'), with someone keeping an eye on her 24/7. The staff at Advantage make sure that the elders do not fall, do not get bed sores, and are as happy and healthy as their medical conditions would allow them to be.
Constant monitoring of the elders' vitals is done everyday. There are doctor visits and physiotherapy sessions. Immediate and efficient attention is given when any elder develops a medical condition.
Dr Soumya and the staff also think of the personal likings of each patient -- my mother loves chocolates -- so, she gets to eat a little bit of chocolate every day! The last time I visited my mother, there was a game of catching the ball with kannada music in the background!
When I got a job in January 2022, I could start paying for my mothers' care, but I will never forget the compassion that Dr Soumya and Roshan Sir showed me (and still do) when I had nowhere to make my mother stay and no way to pay for the loving care that they have/are bestowing upon her.
I am at peace now knowing that my mother is in good hands!

Lally Solomon

My parents resided at Advantage Care Home for three years before they passed away, and we were very pleased with the care they received. After an extensive search for a suitable home, we finally found Advantage Care Home, which turned out to be an ideal fit for my parents. Specially trained caregivers, under the strict supervision of a doctor, provided exceptional care. My mother was in the advanced stage of dementia and required gentle handling, which she received with love and care. She was always happy and cheerful, and her mental alertness improved significantly due to the constant conversations with her caregivers.

My father, too, received excellent care and had all his needs met. The medical care provided to both of them was outstanding and consistent. My parents were treated with dignity and kindness in their final days. Although the monthly cost may seem slightly expensive, it is entirely justified by the level of attention and care provided to the residents.
Another point worth mentioning is that the usual cuisine served is according to the dietary needs of the residence and maintained a high standard of cleanliness.Overall, I highly recommend Advantage Care Home for the care of older parents, particularly those with high care needs. We are forever grateful for the excellent care our parents received and the relationships we developed with the Advantage Care Home team. Our special thanks toDr.Soumya and Dr. Roshan Jacob ,Ms Swetha and the team of assistance.

Sandeep K

My mother has been cared for and living at Advantage for the last couple years - and I can't thank Soumya and the whole team enough for everything they've done for my mother. Having my mom move to a senior care facility was one of the hardest decisions - but my mom was in a stage where she needed round the clock care and managing at home was simply not an option. We tried having her home with in-home nursing and care takers for the first couple years. We had several issues with caretakers quitting, irresponsible care takers and everything in between. On the other hand every other senior care facility in Bangalore was run like a transactional business putting compassion and true senior care as a last priority.

Fortunately I found advantage after looking at every possible option not just in Bangalore, but 2 other cities in India. We were really fortunate and words cannot describe the gratitude and gratefulness we have for advantage and the entire staff. It's unreal how caring and "genuinely" compassionate "each and every one" in the team are.
An extremely home like environment, caring and lively staff, lots of peace and quiet, and above all - a very deep understanding of what and how to provide geriatric care for the elderly. My mom suffering from dementia needs special care and support - and the team at Advantage are true experts in caring for such residents. Thanks soumya and team for being there for my family, mom and everyone else you care for.

N Karthik

Care for the Elderly is a specialized area and mandates good knowledge in the field of Gerontology combined with empathy. Advantage Seniors is a facility where both these traits -along with genuine love for the patient- is exhibited in abundance by every staff member. I have personally experienced the above traits along with the high standards of Hygiene and Safety being followed at Advantage Seniors in the course of the treatment for my mother. I would genuinely like to thank Roshan, Sowmya and the Amazing Staff of Advantage Seniors for the terrific work they are doing. THANK YOU and GOD BLESS.

Pixie Pal

My father has been in Advantage Seniors for just about a year now. When his home care was unsustainable, Advantage seniors, who had managed his home care, ensured a seamless transition into their facility. He’s well looked after and his medical issues are promptly looked into. The staff are kind and seem to genuinely care about their patients- who are often rude and difficult to manage! I’m really glad we found Advantage!!

Dr. Soumya who owns the place and Shwetha who manages the day to day operations are both helpful and compassionate! Thank you guys!

Aarathi Ramnath

The Advantage seniors facility is like a rare gem. Having visited multiple places, nothing came even close to this place in terms of cleanliness, good food, selfless service, a hands on competent team and the fact that they really care for the patients. I am eternally grateful to Soumya and her team for taking care of my aunt and granny in the best way. It is also the only care facility of its kind that I found to be transparent in their day to day operations and extend support like a real family. Thank you and your whole team for helping us out.

Seshagiri Bk

My father has been in Advantage Seniors for just about a year now. When his home care was unsustainable, Advantage seniors, who had managed his home care, ensured a seamless transition into their facility. He’s well looked after and his medical issues are promptly looked into. The staff are kind and seem to genuinely care about their patients- who are often rude and difficult to manage! I’m really glad we found Advantage!!

My bedridden mother who is a Dementia patient & also suffering from Parkinson’s disease is being looked after by advantAGE Seniors at their care home. I have liked the following:
- Patient hygiene & overall cleanliness of the entire facility.
- Management style; the staff are positively engaged in what they are doing.
- Food quality & the eatables/drinks timetable they follow for patients.
- Ms.Soumya, Mr.Roshan & their team are a group of compassionate people.
So, the quality of care has been very good.

Venugopal Ram

I got to know about this place through my friend as I was looking for a care home for my aged parents who required 24/7 care. This place was very homely and they took care of my parents extremely well. I could visit my parents any time , if need arises. Ms. Soumya Nair who runs the facility takes loving care of the inmates with fully trained staff. Her commitment in spite of many practical problems (like attrition of the staff, behavioural issues of the old inmates) is very commendable. She spends time with each inmate so that they don’t feel lonely. A big THANK YOU for your services .

Selvin Georges

I came across "Advantage Seniors care home" when my 90 years old grand mom fell sick; 2 years back i had recently moved into Bangalore. My grand mother Rosamma Paulose was suffering with Alzheimer's disease; in the initial stages it was nightmarish experinece. Since my parents moved to USA for my sister's delivery I had shouldered the job of caring for my grand mom. My grand mom's condition was such that she was wandering ; passing elimination without her knowledge; she refused bathing; would not take her medicines or eat food she was extremly violent ; throwing things and was restless 24/7.

Someone suggested 24/7 nurse aid. I tried various organisation they would come and run away in a day or two.Some agencies took money and did not send any carer; when called "the #u called is switched off" was the response. Once aids who came was constantly hanging on the phone leaving my grand mom to wander on the road; when we came back from work I found my grand mom was not at home, the nursing aid said she had no clue. What a nightmarish experience! When we ran out all options and we were desperate that is when one of my colleague suggested me "advantage seniors". The information was truly god sent! I called Soumya Nair on her phone, unlike other agencies I had a difference in her approach: she patiently asked me what was grand mom's condition;what sort of support she needed etc. At one breath i walked her through my helplessness and desperate situation she asked me to meet her in person. Soumya insisted I come with the lady of the house that was my wife.Initially my wife and i felt so strange because to avail a caregiver why so much formality! But trust me she knew her job well! Upon meeting her in person with a prior notice. she checked all my grand mother's Medical Reports.We chronicled our past experiences. Both Roshan Sir and Soumya Madam spoke to us and spent time with us alomst 2 hours. They are highly Professional in dealing and highly Knowledgeable in the elderly care.We were told why current care system failing; what to expect with grand mom in coming days. How can be draw a proper care arrangement etc. This was an eye opener. Both Roshan Sir and Soumya Madam suggested care home option as my grand mom needed 24/7 attention and one carer at home would not stretch 24 hrs. Also they told us how to institutionalized care is important for fall preventional and mood management; slow down the progression of illness with the professionalism and knowledge they had; we had no reason to disbelieve but to take the advise of Roshan Sir and Soumya Madom. My grand mother passesed away early this month due to massive cardiac arrest.When i look back the journey caring her, it was fabulous! all because of "advantage seniors". My grand mother was always happy loved & cared the best way possible. she was not drowsy; or not drugged from prevent her from being violent. Instead she was kept engaged all the time by lovely staffs. She was feed, cleaned and kept with utmost hygiene. When ever we visited we saw her cheerful unlike at home she was grumpy when we back from work.I have seen advantage staff keeping ultimate patience with my grand mom when she threw her food and spit on the face of the caring staff yet they exhibit a warm smile and feed my grand mother by telling stories and diverting her attention like we do to our toddler. Many a times when we visit without information they would be the same.The advantage staffs are, Truely Angels in disguise. Had my grand mom had a cardiac arrest. I feel she would have crossed 100 with the kind of care she received. I am ever greatful to Soumya Nair and Roshan Jacob(who is an Encyclopedia of knowledge) for hand holding me in this part of my life journey; for guiding me with the right advise and supporting taking care of my grand mom like their own.Special thanks to Shwetha, Milan and Nikhil for showing love on my grand mom God bless & All the very best to advantage.

RK Rao

I had admitted my paternal uncle last year in July. The nursing staff took good care of him during his stay there. The place is "spic & span". Kudos to Ms Soumya Nair for managing her team in a professional manner. Ms Soumya is the "soul & heart" of this initiative. Any issues raised by me was immediately attended to by her. She takes an empathetic outlook regarding the work that she does & tries to mentor her team members accordingly.

Kumar S

A well managed care home for elderly, those in need of assisted living, and other care functions. The staff is consistently good and well trained to provide the care that is sorely needed. The management is keenly tuned in to these requirements and ensure that nothing is found wanting.

What stands out is the caretakers’ dedication, empathy and love for the residents. They face so much resistance from some residents suffering from Dementia, Alzheimer’s and other ailments yet they win them over with persistent love. It is truly remarkable, when you observe them, that the caretakers who hail from the villages have so much natural flair for the supreme service of caregiving. I have often watched as they feed the residents. It is amazing how old people behave like kids and how the caregivers, patiently and with humour, get them to co-operate and eat. It’s a blessed art.
I have been utilising the care home’s services for over 5 years now for my family member, first at their Indiranagar facility and now at their current location in Athina Township, Bileshivale. The atmosphere is homely. It doesn’t have that typical look one sees in oldage homes. The place is clean, well set up and homely which itself works well for residents. The quality of care my brother gets here is high. It is a sad truth that after paying high wages we rarely obtain good caretakers at our homes. Despite constant supervision the person we love most has to suffer poor attention at the hands of inadequate caretakers. However, Advantage fills this vacuum at its care home. Attention and affection are noteworthy. The food is tasty and mealtimes are regular. Customised food as needed is provided. Respect their visit hours.
Birthdays are noted and celebrated ! It is very touching when the caretakers get cakes and candles and decorate the room with festoons and balloons and make the Birthday Boy/Girl the centre of attraction and love. Truly memorable.
One can see how desperately the country needs such services for the elderly and yet how few organisations exist to provide quality care. Advantage Seniors scores well in all parameters. Regular doctor visits, round-the-clock caretakers ever watchful yet cheerfully tending to the residents. The professionals running the show here deserve great credit for their dedication and expertise in a great social service. Both Mr.Roshan Jacob and Ms.Soumya Nair are full fledged professionals with an uncanny ability to read your domestic situation adroitly and recommend solutions. Both are reputed in the field of gerontology and training of nursing professionals and have a natural flair to endear themselves to the people under their care. That is the first and last line in Caregiving.

Sujeet Pai

We would like to Thank Ms Soumya, Mr Roshan and staff for the support during my father Mr. Venugopal Pai's stay at Advantage Senior Care Home. Your team is doing a great job for the society. Special thanks to the staff Milan, Nagaraj and Swetha. We use to visit every week to the care home and all the staff given us a warm welcome with smiling face. And they put all the efforts to give good support & care to the seniors. Thanks again for all the support. Though I have one suggestion, it will good if a small garden area stretched near to the care home.

Padma Gurumurthy

I’m at loss of words to appreciate the yeomen service rendered by the Management and Staff of Advantage Seniors, Bangalore.

Two years ago, we had admitted our uncle, aged 86 years. Though he passed away within a fortnight, yet care was given to him till his last breath, without getting agitated and with unflinching nursing. A year ago, I had admitted my 68 years old sister, who is physically challenged since her age of two. She is more than happy to live there and is reluctant to get back home.

The Staff are very cordial, caring, service oriented and ever smiling. I’m yet to catch anyone hesitant or unprofessional. Food is wholesome and served in time. Cleanliness is at its best.

Neeraja Kodavana

I am so thankful to the entire team of the facility. They really take good care of my in-laws making the place very homely with lot of patience and kindness. The accommodation is very clean and pleasant. All the services including nursing, housekeeping, food are good. Best part is our parent in-laws are so safe, secured and happy.

Vijai Kumar

My wife and i went to see my grand aunt earlier this year. We found the place, clean, well maintained, cheerful and welcoming. Since then, I have been in touch off and on with Soumya and Dr. Irshad Ali. Both of them are extremely professional, warm, good listeners and positively consider the feedback. they are resident centric, family friendly and are innovative (pet therapy) in their care. God bless them and I hope they continue to be the same as they grow and expand.

Manju Prabhu

My recommendation is based on my assessment of Advantage on five key attributes important to families of residents:

1. CAPABILITY: They provide the best care possible in the circusmtances, constantly guiding the family to determine the best course of action depending on the situation. As experts in the field of gerontology, they are passionate about what they do, and are well connected to specialists and hospitals when the need arises.

2. PASSION & COMPASSION: Out of a passion for elder care arises compassion in the quality of care. Advantage is not run solely for business purposes, so your loved one is cared for with compassion regardless of their physical or mental state.

3. HIGHER MISSION: Their passion for the care of elders drives them to be visionaries in the field of elder care in India, which is in its relative infancy. They have studied global care models and have applied them to the Indian situation to provide care that is competitive from a cost and quality standpoint.

4. FLEXIBILITY: They have provided many years of in home care when all that was needed was a 'round-the-clock helping hand, but when that became unsustainable, the tranisition for our loved one to the care home was easier.

5. CLEANLINESS, HYGIENE AND NUTRITION: After numerous visits, I can attest to a very high standard of cleanliness and hygiene. Residents dietary needs are considered and their diet is customized to their needs.

Geethu Rao

Since a year now our beloved Ajji has been living in Advantage Seniors. Needless to say that she is extremely well cared for and loved. Every time I have visited the place what has caught my eye is that the place is extremely clean, the caregivers go about their duties with a smile and are a bunch of enthusiastic and fun loving lot. Thank you dear Soumya for caring for Ajji as your own and for also updating Ajji's family periodically about her well being!

Ajitkumar Belur Srinivasan

Dear M/s Roshan Jacob/Soumya Nair
I want to place on record and profusely thank your organisation for taking care of my 94 yr old mother Mrs B S Vijaya. She was incapable of speech and movement ,BUT she was made to feel wanted and comfortable during her entire stay at Athena,due to the compassion, empathy and strong sense of devoted duty of all your staff.

In particular,I want to recall,that my mother's journey to your facility started with Soumya visiting us at our residence during which her caring attitude and competence in gerontology impressed me. Also I want to mention specific good interactions had and services rendered with a smile by Shwetha(wiser than her age) and Milan(calm and composed) Wish you the strength to continue this noble job with greater rigor

Yezdi Unvalla

Our dear sister, who was born deaf, led a wonderful life in spite of her handicap. At the young age of 18, way back in 1960, she went for further studies to Pennsylvania and Washington. On her return to India, she got a job with Canara Bank in their EDP section. She was one of the first deaf persons to get a job in a bank in India, and she worked there for 30 years. Her performance enabled many deaf persons get jobs in banks all over India.

It was her endeavor to start a school for the deaf in Bangalore and she was successful at that too. However, she was struck with an even crueler affliction when she was in her 70’s. She was diagnosed with Parkinsons. The doctors told us that this was not the normal Parkinsons, but a more acute type caused by our dear mother having German measles when in full term of pregnancy. The doctors had warned us that her rate of deterioration would be very fast and sadly, that is what happened. Initially, we managed her at home with the help of a nurse, but as a couple of months passed, it became increasingly difficult. We did carry out a survey of various senior citizen care homes, but were not impressed by any of them. We were most reluctant to think of any other options until a doctor friend of ours recommended Advantage Seniors. This is when we came in contact with Ms. Soumya Nair and we were surprised at the immediate rapport she stuck up with our sister on their very first meeting, in spite of our sister being deaf.

The next day we visited their office and had a meeting with Mr. Roshan and after a visit to the nursing home, we decided to shift our sister there. The care givers interacted with her in a loving and gentle manner and we could sense our sister was very comfortable with them. A caregiver was by her side 24X7 and the constant vigil exercised by Mr. Roshan and Ms. Soumya was commendable. We felt at peace that our sister was in safe hands. She was under their care for over 9 months until she breathed her last and we are eternally grateful to Ms. Soumya and the caregivers for having made our sister’s last months so comfortable.

May God bless the facility and all the people associated with it a thousand fold.

Rashmi Bhatia

My mother in law was bed ridden and was in bad condition initially. After we admitted her in advantage seniors she has undergone great changes and is completely fine now.personalized care , home cooked food and attention given by all care takers and staff makes her feel like home.cleaniness and hygiene is impeccable. Dr.Soumya, ms.Swetha & staff nurses are doing a great service for all.Thank them from my heart.

Sandhya Sharma

My sister and I visited Advantage seniors over the summer where my grand aunt, ajji as we fondly call her, is living currently. What struck me most was the energy and the enthusiasm of all the staff. Their friendly faces and their genuine concern and interest in the well being of their patients was evident.

Janaki Shukla

This place has been a God send for my Grandma. She cared for us and our kids when she was younger and unfortunately for us we cannot physically be there to care for her these gold years. Advantage seniors has taken it to another level and taken over our job with a smile. Many of us have visited her and noticed how well she is cared for. God bless all those souls who care for our seniors with love, affection and compassion.

Shalini M.P

Taking care of elderly persons is a significant responsibility, especially when they require medical attention. I realised this when my father developed Parkinson's deasease, which I found when it was getting out of hand and the intervension of medical experts is inevitable. Realising this, I approached the Care Center [Senior Advantage Care Center] wherein I felt very happy to learn that the Center was run by experts in the field of caring the elder people.

One of the main features of this Center is that they have state-of-the-art system of caring and medician for the above mentioned disease and we could witness the instant results. In a short span of 3 months, there is a considerable improvement in his general health condition. This is largely due to the tranquil conditions and the home-like atmosphere that prevails in this Center. I would recommend all those who are looking for providing proper and appropriate care should certainly visit this Center.

Kiran MP

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to advantAGE Seniors who are serving silently with a social concern and without any expectation to the old age patients who are suffering from various medical issues. Recently, we have admitted our father to advantAGE who is suffering from dimentia (memory related issues), since both of us are blind persons. The advantAGE cares the patients more than their family cares, where all the aspects including necessary medical treatment will be taken care. The patients can improve in such a way that they can lead their life from dependency to independency. We once again express my sincere thanks to advantAGE.

Padma Natarajan

The first attractive feature that would strike any visitor is the meticulous attention that is being given to hygiene. The place is spotless and completely free of bedbugs that appear to be commonplace at other old age homes. The staff is extremely courteous and kind. Mr. Roshan and Ms Soumya are very helpful, friendly, and accommodating. People living there readily want to go back after spending time with their family.

Anu Agarwal

For about a year now, our Ajji (grandmother - V. Jayalaxmi) has been at a care facility run by Advantage Seniors. I love several things about the place (1) its philosophy is to foster independence in the elderly, as much as possible, (2) her caregivers are enthusiastic, fun-loving and nurturing women who care for both her physical and mental well-being (Ajji enjoys humor and they provide plenty of it), (3) they encourage visitors, and even go out of their way to accommodate schedules of out-of-towners, (4) when my sister, Sandhya, and I (Anu) visited her two months ago,

Ajji was proudly showing us how she was walking with her walker, she was given food according to her prescribed diet, medicines were dispensed properly, her caregivers were kind and gentle, and the place was super clean (our family folks are sticklers for cleanliness and even we were impressed), (5) Soumya, the co- founder, keeps us posted on a regular basis with information about Ajji. Overall, I feel that Ajji has a strong connection with the warm and loving people who surround her every day, and is in a happy place. We are very fortunate and grateful to have found Advantage Seniors, a place where we know Ajji is cared for very well. Thank you Advantage Seniors, especially thank you dear Soumya !

Dinesh Bhatt

One of the best center for taking care of old aged/deceased patients/citizens. The facility is almost like a very clean hotel. I never found this kind of nice facility/treatment for aged/deceased people anywhere in and around Mangalore/Bangalore. Hats off to Roshan Jacob Sir and Soumya Madam. They are the role models in this type selfless service

Ajay Aj

Advantage seniors#benchmark in senior care services
